
Wellness Talks , Webinars and Interactive Workshops

Informed Health offers, Webinars, Wellness Talks and Interactive Workshops on a variety of topics related to Health and Well-being. The participants for these can range from 15-20 for interactive sessions to 500 for Webinars and Wellness Talks. Time duration is 1-1.5 hours which also includes a Q/A session with the audience.

We offer a variety of themes, most relevant in today’s age and time to provide inputs towards improving public health at large. You could choose from our repertoire of topics or suggest any that you would like us to customise for you.

Wellness Themes offered:

  1. Holistic Lifestyle Approach to Post Covid Recovery
  2. Lockdown Specific- How to stay healthy and enhance your productivity during Lockdown
  3. Gut Health- Understanding the ‘Second’ Brain
  4. Facts or Fiction- Breaking Food & Fitness Myths
  5. The Health Triad- Strategies for Diet, Exercise and Sleep
  6. Action Plan- Steps towards Sustainable Health
  7. Back to Basics- Reviewing Traditional Food Wisdom
  8. Women Health- Nurture the Shakti
  9. Raising Healthy Kids- Good Habits begin Early in Life
  10. Diabetes- Too Sweet to Digest


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