How Elements that never existed in Human Body have found their way in

How Elements that never existed in Human Body have found their way in

You are aware of healthy food, you know the very basics that every dietitian, every influencer, your neighbor, your fact everyone is talking about. You are probably eating the best quality muesli, oats, protein shake etc, but still not feeling as fresh, as active, as alert as you would like to.⁣

Now would you be surprised to know, that present day human body contains 75-80 elements that were not found in our body earlier! Yes, its true!⁣
These elements have entered our body through the route of processed and packaged foods that we eat in the name of health and fitness. When you buy a packet of food, in the list of ingredients you will find preservatives, emulsifiers, stabilizers, colorants. In addition to this there are chemical fertilizers, insecticides etc.⁣
These chemicals add to the toxic load in the body and are the cause of many health conditions like asthma, hormonal imbalances, unexplained skin rashes, eczema, weaker bones, brain fog and more.⁣
Many times, we just don’t realize, but these chemicals become a part of our life, when we have biscuits daily with our tea twice in a day, savoury snacks while watching TV, ketchup and sandwich spread with breakfast, heat and eat meals, best quality dark chocolate post meals.⁣
Identify the man-made items that make to your plate daily
?Now consciously work towards reducing this quantity to 3 -5 over a period of time. Reducing this will help your elimination organs to function better and keep your detox game on naturally!⁣


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