Summer Diet Do’s and Don’ts for a Fitter and Healthier You

Summer Diet Do’s and Don’ts for a Fitter and Healthier You


Its getting hotter by the day and there is no respite out of it any soon. So, its better to get equipped with some basic nutrition based guidelines to keep the body temperature cool despite the scorching heat outside. I share with you simple summer diet  do’s and don’ts which if you follow in this season you will prevent yourself from heatstroke, heat induced nausea, stomach cramps, fatigue, headaches, low blood pressure and headaches.

Do’s for Summer Diet


Zeera ( Cumin Seeds)

Zeera is a humble spice in all our kitchens. Use this spice to hydrate and keep you cool in summers. It works towards reducing body heat and has detox benefits as well. It addresses summer induced itchiness like magic. Zeera can be used as part of cooking traditional meals and can also be added to chaas ( buttermilk). Buttermilk is an excellent summer cooler with its probiotic properties, it also keeps the gut flora thriving. Zeera blends well with the buttermilk, enhancing its flavour and also providing us with all its nourishing and hydrating properties.


Include Traditional Sharbats

Each culture in our country has traditional summer drinks based on the geographical location and the locally available ingredients.  There is Aam Panna, Bael Sharbat, Kokum Sharbat, Vriyali Sharbat or just simple Nimbu Paani.  These are all hydrating and nourishing drinks. Not only do they keep our thirst quenched but with act as a source of key vitamins and minerals and keep us healthy. These work towards maintaining a balance of electrolytes in our body and help prevent heat strokes. Find out from your grandparents, inlaws, aunts and uncles the traditional homemade sharbets of your culture. Revive the tradition and sip on them as a mid morning snack. You will never complaint of the afternoon slump in life ever again! Have you heard of   Gond Katira this magical ingredient can be added to the sharbets to  help fight heat in summers.

Summer Diet  drinks


Mint is a sure shot, cool herbs for hot summer days. It heals with its cooling and cleansing properties. Not just does it bring the body temperatures down, it also addresses conditions like IBS, Cramps, heat induced nausea and bloating.

Don’ts :

Alcohol Dehydrates


Alcohol is dehydrating in nature. Thus excessive drinking will lead to dehydration in summers. Care must be taken to dilute your drinks with water and have water in between your drinks to keep your body hydrated.


Processed and packaged foods

These are high on sodium and other chemicals. This catergory includes salty snacks like chips and pretzels, frozen foods like sausages, heat and eat foods like instant noodles and the likes. These dehydrate the body and leave you thirsty. Its observed that the drinks that go with such snacks/ meals are the high sugar sodas, cold drinks or fruit juices. This is a deadly combination to dehydrate the body further. Steer clear of such processed snacks in summers.


Don’t go on fad diets.

Well  you should never follow fad diets, but all the more so in summers. Starving and depriving yourself of nutrients in just not a wise thing to do in summers. On such fad diets, the body begins to lose water and muscle and that sets you up for pure disaster. Not only will you be dehydrated, you will also lower your metabolism. Just a no no for anyone looking for a fit and toned body.    There is a   flip side of fad diets    that never comes to light  and infact that’s the scary part


Read More:
  1. Are you drinking enough Water?
  2. Ways to stay cool in Summers- Gond Katira a Magical Ingredient
  3. Flip side of Fad Diets
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