Day 28 – Embrace local


Avocado, guchi berries, quinoa are all good foods, but are they your local foods? Do they grow close to where you live, belong to the same climatic conditions as yours? They are excellent food choices for the inhabitants of the land that grow these foods.

Look around you, look at the food that grows locally in the climatic conditions of your habitat.  These foods are your superfoods, they might not seem exotic to you, but these are the foods that are going to do super good to your health than some food that has travelled geographical miles to reach you.

Refer to Challenge 16, why do we eat food? For its nutrients. What does the body need from food? It needs nutrients. What are nutrients? Nutrients are the substances in the food that provide energy to the body and are essential for life and growth. These have a definite lifespan, they begin to deteriorate with time or exposure to air, heat and water.

Now just imagine what would be the nutritive value left in that avocado, kiwi, blueberries or any other food that has taken so long to reach you! Harvesting, processing, packaging, shipping, travel time, unloading, loading and many more processes till it gets served on your plate!! Phew…

When food travels great distance to reach you, it has hardly any nutrients left to it. Thus what you eat in the name of exotic miracle food that will help you lose weight at the drop of the hat is nothing but nearly dead by the time it shows up on your plate.

This is what the concept of ‘From Farm to Plate’ is all about.

Eat seasonal vegetables and fruits, eat the grains that you have grown up eating, cook in the regional oils that have always been used for cooking by your mother and grandmother, cook regional/ family receipes. In a nutshell embrace local, embrace health


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