Day 24 – Upgrade your workout to the next level


Its time to upgrade workout routine yet again!  In the second week, we had modified our exercise routine to either cover the same distance in lesser time or increase the time of exercise. This addressed the ‘stamina’ quotient of the workout.

Remember a good workout is the one that addresses- strength, stamina and flexibility.

Now that we have an exercise routine in place, the pace is upbeat, its time to include exercises that help improve strength and flexibility.

Strength Training

How– You could use weights or use your own body weights to help you through the workout.

Why – Strength training is an excellent way of increasing bone density and lean body mass.


  1. Becoming Bulky: Being a woman if you fear that you will develop body builder muscles using weights, it’s a myth. There much more science to building muscles than just lifting weights.
  2. Do cardio to warm up: Doing cardio before strength training wastes the energy and prevents high performance at strength training session. Do stretches, warm up with lighter sets and do cardio post the strength training (if at all)

So, include one day of strength training in your weekly routine now and when you feel comfortable, make it twice a week


There is much more to flexibility than just stretches.  Spend a day following yoga to enhance the muscle stretch and oxygen supply to muscle fibers. Do not be fooled by the weight loss yoga fads. The ancient wisdom of yoga will do you a lot of good that goes beyond mere weigtht loss.

From today, design your workout on a weekly basis. Include walk/ jog/ cycling/ swimming for stamina building, resistance training for strength building and yoga for flexibility.

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